

20 Jan

36 minutes ago, kyori said:

Sad. We can't have 2 noggles and 2 posters...

If you participate in the previous campaign, you can get two Noggles and two posters! These drops are one per account per campaign. That means you can have a maximum of two: one from each Twitch Drop campaign!

I'll add a note to my post to make that more clear 🙂

4 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

Oh again ^.^ 

Nice ! 

Btw Cephalon Cy glyph does not work on the forums sadly ;(

We're investigating now! Thanks for letting us know



With Empyrean available now on all platforms, we’re re-running our celebratory Twitch Drops campaign! Get the free items below when you watch your favorite Warframe streamers as they take on Empyrean. To get your Drops, make sure your accounts are properly linked before you watch!

Drop 1: Cephalon Cy Glyph

  • January 20 at 2:00 PM ET - January 24 at 1:55 PM ET
  • Watch 30 minutes consecutively
  • Official Warframe Partner Streams Only
  • One per account
  • Available ...
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1 minute ago, (NSW)Belaptir said:

Thanks for the answer! What i've noticed is that if you don't have pustrels but have the other mats, it won't let you build the payload.

Very good to know! I'm passing along to the team


Thank you for your reports! Our team has logged the bug and will find a fix. The good news is it seems to only be a UI issue: it appears to take Pustrels, but if you reload, you will see the correct Resource values.

17 Jan



Operation: Plague Star has returned on all platforms until January 27 at 2:00PM ET!

Attention Tenno! Ostron scouts have reported that the Plague Star has once again made impact on the Plains of Eidolon! Please review this handy guide and FAQ for all the info you need to conquer this returning Operation. 

As a friendly upfront update, your Operational Supply Standing from previous occurrences of Operation: Plague Star is still all intact. 

Operation: Plague Star

Rally your Squad and defend the Plains of Eidolon!

The infested boil that threatened the Plains is back, uglier and more putrid than before. Vay Hek possesses a toxin that can destroy the boil at the meteorite crash site, but he refuses to help. Steal his toxin ...

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16 Jan



Like many of you, we’re heartbroken by the devastation caused by recent and ongoing wildfires in Australia. Millions of acres of land have been destroyed. Thousands of families are left homeless and in desperate need of assistance, along with countless harmed and displaced animals.

We’ve made a $15,000 donation to both the ...

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15 Jan

3 hours ago, (NSW)Vinn_Eonn said:

My railjack simply banished from my dry dock and I can’t find a way to make it appear. As soon as the update dropped I went to my dojo to try and find how to customize it and it was nowhere to be found! Do I need to do something for it to return to the dry dock?

It was really expensive and now that the update dropped the game deleted it?

Hey, as @(NSW)ohgodzilla mentioned, I ran into this bug on stream today too - our QA team is aware and w...

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Thank you both for your reports! I experienced this bug on stream today as well. Our Switch QA team is getting to the bottom of it, and we will have a fix for you ASAP!

14 Jan


Switch Empyrean: Update 27.0.5 is live!

We wanted to thank you for being so patient with us as we worked with Nintendo to bring you Empyrean, so Tenno who login this week will find a 7 Day Credit Booster gift in their inbox. Enjoy taking flight, Nintenno!



Empyrean has arrived - your journey with your Railjack has just begun. 

We’re here to answer one simple question for you: “How do I play Empyrean?”

If you have completed the ‘RISING TIDE’ Quest, you are ready. If not - squad up with a Railjack-ready Tenno, or begin the Quest yourself. 

Earth Proxima, Saturn Proxima, and Veil Proxima are destinations your Railjack can access with this Update. Things get harder the further from Earth you stray - prepare yourself and your squad. It will take time to master your Railjack.  

Empyrean brings the foundat...

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09 Jan

12 hours ago, (NSW)ohgodzilla said:

Can you please clarify this? Do you mean no motion controls for piloting / gunning or it has been totally disabled even when we're using our warframes? If it's the latter that would be a huge issue so I really hope that's not the case

Happy to clarify! Motion controls you're already familiar with like aiming with handheld weapons won't be affected. When Empyrean launches, there will be no motion controls enabled for controlling your Railjack specifically. So, motion controls that already exist aren't being removed, and you can expect us to add motion control capabilities to your Railjack in a future update!


Empyrean: Update 27.0.5 is in Cert! We'll be keeping you posted in the updated status thread here:




At the end of 2019 we informed our Nintenno that Empyrean would be coming in ...

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08 Jan

On 2019-12-17 at 3:05 PM, (NSW)Tetra-V said:

A hot fix and yet i still have problems with my ivara skirt it can't be seen 


W/E maybe is not a problem with ivara prime that thing is bright 


Nop barely visible i love ivara she in my top frame plz fix this 

Thank you for reporting this! Just wanted to let you know that the team is aware, so you can expect a fix on the way - if not in the coming build, then very soon after!

18 Dec



Empyrean: Update 27.0.5 is in development and set to arrive early 2020 on Nintendo Switch! As Empyrean launches on PS4 and Xbox One, we want to make sure you’re informed about what to expect of Warframe on the Nintendo Switch as we near the end of the year.

We’re delighted that we were able to ship the remastered Rising Tide update before the holidays, so you could enjoy meeting Cephalon Cy and build your Railjack. Despite unforeseen issues with Cert last month, we were able to quickly deliver the latest update. The team was very excited about shipping the build, in addition to getting Warframe down bel...

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The perfect way to kickstart your Warframe journey arrives with the Twitch Prime Starter Pack!

Free with Twitch Prime, the Starter Pack contains two Weapon Blueprints, Mods, Credits, and Customizations! This pack has everything you need to hit the ground running — or Bullet Jumping as the case may be.

The Twitch Prime Starter Pack features:

Karak Weapon Blueprint
Solid, dependable and deadly. The Karak is a standard issue rifle in many Grineer platoons.

Dual Skana Weapon Blueprint
A shorter Skana in each hand. Can hit multiple targets.

100,000 Credits
Credits let you purchase Weapon and Warframe Bluep...

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17 Dec


The Origin Pack is the best possible value for a Tenno looking to boost their Arsenal and get a spectacular new Cosmetic!

The Origin Pack features:

  • Parotia Syandana
  • 200 Platinum

For PS4 regional availability, please see below:

  • December 17 - Americas
  • December 18 - Europe, Asia
  • December 19 - Japan


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Practice stealth as you track your prey, then strike with ruthless precision as Ivara Prime! No hunt is complete without the Baza Prime and Aksomati Prime!

Ivara Prime
As regal and lethal as a nighttime wood, this is the queen of the hunt in her ultimate form.

Baza Prime
The Orokin-engineered definition of silent lethality.

Aksomati Prime
The elegant Aksomati precisely refined to its ultimate manifestation.

You can find Ivara Prime, Baza Prime, and Aksomati Prime Relics in their classic spots (Void, Derelict, Defense, Survival, etc). Check your in-game Codex for Relic drop locations.


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13 Dec


Surprise! Update 26.1.3 is live!